'The knowledge of bees is the basis of the beekeeper’s success; and for all other people who, amidst the whirl of present-day technology,
still prove to have a clear feeling for lively Nature, they are a source of joyful edification.’
The Dancing Bees, Karl Von Frisch, 1967
Articles and Research
Our Wild Honey: Absolute Purity
Our Wild Honey: Healthy Bees, Medicinal Honey
Our Wild Honey: As Raw as it Gets
Our Wild Honey: The Proof is in the Pollen
Commercial Warré Beekeeping in Australia
Tim is currently in the process of writing a number of new articles which should be published during the course of this year
Missives from the Mountains
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Online Resources

Honey and Bee Bread
Bee-guided Pharmacognosy
David Heaf
Making a Case for Natural Comb-Ripened Honey and Artisan Beekeeping Practices
Erik Berrevoets
Antibacterial activity of honey from the Australian stingless bee Trigona carbonaria
Various Authors
Nutritional and mineral contents of honey extracted by centrifugation and pressed processes
Various Authors
Characterization of the Active Microbiotas Associated with Honey Bees Reveals Healthier and Broader Communities when Colonies are Genetically Diverse
Various Authors
Symbionts as Major Modulators of Insect Health
Lactic Acid Bacteria and Honeybees
Various Authors
Lund University Bee Research
Volatile Compounds in Honey
A Review on Their Involvement in Aroma,
Botanical Origin Determination and Potential Biomedical Activities
Various Authors
AgriFutures Australia
Natural Beekeeping
Beekeeping for All
Abbé Warré
Towards Sustainable Beekeeping
David Heaf
Sustainable and Bee-friendly Beekeeping
David Heaf
Extensive Beekeeping
Janet Lowore and Nicola Bradbear
Beekeeping – Natural, simple and successful
Johann Thür
Nest of the Honeybee
Seeley and Morse
Natural Beekeeping: Abstracts of Scientific Papers
Various authors
(compiled by David Heaf)
Stress and Honeybees
Eric H. Erikson
Ethics and Sustainability
Farming Animals for Food - Towards a Moral Menu
Food Ethics Council
Ethics in Food and Agriculture
Food & Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Food Ethics Journal
A Journal of the Societies for Agricultural and Food Ethics
Reading List

Honey - A Comprehensive Survey
Eva Crane
Honey and Your Health
B.F. Beck & Dorée Smedley
A Book of Honey
Eva Crane
Two Million Blossoms - Discovering the Medicinal Benefits of Honey
Kirsten Traynor
Natural Beekeeping
The Bee-friendly Beekeeper
David Heaf
Natural Beekeeping with the Warré Hive: A Manual
David Heaf
Treatment Free Beekeeping
David Heaf
The Barefoot Beekeeper
Phil Chandler
At the Hive Entrance
H. Storch
Top-Bar Beekeeping with 200 hives
Honeybee Biology
Honeybee Democracy
Thomas Seeley
The Buzz About Bees: Biology of a Super-organism
Jürgen Tautz
The Wisdom of the Hive
Thomas Seeley
The Lives of Bees
Thomas Seeley
The Dancing Bees
Karl Von Frisch
Form and Function in the Honeybee
Lesley Goodman
Honeybee Nests – Composition, Structure, Function
H.R. Hepburn, C.W.W. Pirk,
O. Duangphakdee
The Biology of the Honey Bee
Mark Winston