

'There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know.
The keeping of bees, for instance.'
Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862


Below are some blogs featuring Tim Malfroy, Malfroy's Gold products or our Natural Beekeeping courses that others have been kind enough to write.
We are so grateful that our students, colleagues, customers and members of the general public are interested in our unique and natural approach to bee husbandry and Wild Honey production in Australia.

Malfroy's Gold Natural Beekeeping Courses Milkwood Blog
Tim Malfroy's Natural Beekeeping Courses

Hosted by Milkwood Permaculture's Natural Beekeeping Articles

'Tim Malfroy presented a great weekend of solid knowledge about natural beekeeping, bee biology, colony biology, the history of beekeeping, how to start natural beekeeping, different sorts of honey and comb, what bees need, how to deal with disease and pests naturally, the pollination crisis and CCD. Whew.'

Tim Malfroy Swill House Mag
Tim in New Swill Mag - Swillhouse - 2022

Australia’s wildest, most delicious honey

An extract an from article that will feature Tim in this October Swill Mag's first edition.

'At the edge of the escarpment, hundreds of metres up from the valley floor and the base of the cliff wall, through heath and scrub and scribbly bark, Tim Malfroy’s bees hum quietly in eight small hives.'

Mountain Meadow Post Brood at Gilda’s - 2022

New Surry Hills Wine Bar Gildas Is a Love Letter to Spain’s Basque Region

'Gildas is “not 100 per cent a bar, not 100 per cent a restaurant”, he says. It’s designed to be complementary to Firedoor around the corner, offering pre- and post-dinner drinks, while standing on its own as a destination.'

.delicious Produce Box - 2022

Our Blue Mountains Polyflora in .delicious Produce Box

'These are the premium ingredients you won’t find on supermarket shelves, from farm-fresh fruit and vegetables to prime cuts of wagyu and hard-to-procure items like Malfroy’s Gold honey.'

Tim Malfroy Warré Frame
Feather and Bone Field Trip- 2019

Field trip to Malfroys Gold Hawkesbury hives

'If you've tried Malfroys Gold wild honey - particularly the recent Post Brood variety - then you'll understand what we mean when we say that seeing the hives in the landscape and listening to Tim explain his bee keeping philosophy made perfect sense. Malfroys Gold honey is quite simply a pure and intense expression of place and practice.'

Malfroy's Gold Honey and Wildflower Brewing - 2021

Hive: Post Brood Blend #2- Tasting Notes

'Hive: Post Brood is A collaboration with our friends, and honey superstars Tim and Emma from Malfroy’s Gold honey, Hive: Post Brood is a barrel aged golden Australian Wild Ale refermented with natural formed Warré hive post-brood wild comb from the Blue Mountains and Central Tablelands of NSW. The Malfroy's Post Brood Polyflora is unlike any honey I have ever tasted and indeed a unique product.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2011

Living with Bees

'If we want to give our bees the best chance at survival now and far into the future, we need to think about the effects that our everyday actions have on the nation's primary pollinators...The next time you're outside in the garden and you pick up that spray.Please think about the bees.'

Malfroy's Gold and Julie Paterson, Artist
Wild Honey Artwork by Julie Paterson - 2018

Wild Honey Artwork

'There’s this chap I know called Tim Malfroy who is a 2nd generation bee keeper and this artwork is a portrait of some of his giant bee hives. Tim lives out west – way past our place and has his bee hives set up all over the place. He uses these crazy looking warre hives and employs an old fashioned, gentle and natural beekeeping method.'

Malfroy's Gold sustainable dinner
Green and Sustainable Dinner - 2010

Samantha Mackie Photography

Tim was invited to speak at this event which featured our honey produce on the menu

'It was a remarkable night and these were 3 remarkable farmers, true artisans at heart with the strongest commitment you can imagine to their produce, the environment and the future. Behind their passion we discovered several generations of sweat, resiliance and knowledge.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2012

A perfect addition to the Permaculture Garden

'We’re completely hooked on the idea of adding bees to our Permaculture garden after another extraordinary weekend learning all about natural beekeeping with Tim Malfroy...Lucky for us we got to taste what we unanimously agreed was the best honey we’d ever eaten, straight from the comb. It was simply amazing.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2012

The Veggie Lady

'So when I heard about the natural bee keeping course that went against traditional methods and, instead, adopted an approach more in line with the innate habits of bees themselves, I had to see it for myself. Pictures of bees being handled without masses of protective gear inspired me … natural, organic methods and not-so-cranky bees!'

Malfroy's Gold Ross and Sunny Lusted
Malfroy's Gold on the menu at 'Woodcut' - 2020

Ross and Sunny Lusted's New Restaurant featuring our Wild Honey

'Woodcut' launches in Crown, Sydney, December 2020!

Malfroy's Gold Wild Honeycomb Cheese Platter
Sunday Collector - 2010

Cheese and Malfroy's Gold Honeycomb

'The stand out on the board was the mountain of Malfroy's Gold honeycomb with roasted hazelnuts from Mudgee, NSW.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Warré Hives - 2013

Building ‘The Peoples Hive’ (Warre Hive)

'I was lucky enough to...attend a natural beekeeping course run by Tim Malfroy of Malfroy’s Gold, which was based on the Warré system. ...Tim is one of few commercial Warré hive apiarists in Australia. I found the course to be interesting and practical and without attending it I feel that I wouldn’t hold the skills or confidence to give ‘natural’ beekeeping a go.'

Malfroy's Gold Danielle Alvarez

Danielle Alvarez, 'Always Add Lemon' Launch - 2020

Malfroy's Gold included in special book launch collection (blog has since been removed)

'It’s not everyday that one of your favourite chefs and bestie publishes their first book. to celebrate such a momentous occasion, danielle and i are bringing the good times to you!

As a one off very special offer, we’ve curated a delicious collection, featuring the work of some extremely special producers whose work we delight in all year round.'
Malfroy's Gold Rootstock Festival
Rootstock Sydney - 2015

Malfroy's Gold, Rootstock Festival

'Originally conceived as a artisanal wine festival in 2013, the 2015 event has expanded to celebrate chefs, producers, food makers, coffee, beer, sake and indigenous culinary culture.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2013

Natural Beekeeping and Apiarists

'Two weeks ago I headed up to Sydney to attend a course on Natural Beekeeping run by Milkwood Permaculture and taught by Tim Malfroy of Malfroy’s Gold. ...I mean, when someone makes honey that good, you know they’re going to teach you something special, right?'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2012

Warré Hive Building, Swarms and Bait Hives

'I attended a Warré beekeeping course in Sydney run by second-generation professional apiarist Tim Malfroy. ...I had read about the Warré beekeeping method and wanted to learn more. It was worth the trip.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Catching a Swarm - 2011

Urban Warré Beekeeper

'One of my scouts ran home to tell me he’d found a swarm of bees this weekend. They were spotted flying in and out of the small hole in the concrete block that covers a Telstra access point in the footpath...The excitement I felt this time last year when my first hive was delivered is nothing to how I feel having caught this swarm myself! I hope their new home suits them and that the weather is kind and helps them get established quickly.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2013

Hand to Ground - Bees, naturally

'...two-day course in natural beekeeping with master bee-keeper (warré hive extraordinare) Tim Malfroy. It was a wonderfully inspiring and informative course...I came away with a desire not so much to “keep bees” as to learn alongside them.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2011

Lewisham House - Natural Beekeeping with Tim Malfroy

'Tim taught us about “natural” beekeeping, which is much more in tune with the needs and desires of the bees. Keeping the bees in a Warre Hive, they are able to grow their own honeycomb, at their own pace.'

Malfroy's Gold Wild Honey Prize
Menu For Hope - 2007

Malfroy's Gold Products in Menu for Hope

Malfroy's Gold products were selected as prizes for Menu for Hope, a global raffle to raise money for the United Nations World Food Program.

' I was the lucky winner of three gorgeous jars of honey and a gooey honeycomb from Malfroy's Gold in Australia. This honey is made from eucalyptus and has a distinctive caramel flavor. In one word: addictive.'

Tim Malfroy Swill House Mag
Tim in New Swill Mag - Swillhouse - 2022

Australia’s wildest, most delicious honey

An extract an from article that will feature Tim in this October Swill Mag's first edition.

'At the edge of the escarpment, hundreds of metres up from the valley floor and the base of the cliff wall, through heath and scrub and scribbly bark, Tim Malfroy’s bees hum quietly in eight small hives.'

Mountain Meadow Post Brood at Gilda’s - 2022

New Surry Hills Wine Bar Gildas Is a Love Letter to Spain’s Basque Region

'Gildas is “not 100 per cent a bar, not 100 per cent a restaurant”, he says. It’s designed to be complementary to Firedoor around the corner, offering pre- and post-dinner drinks, while standing on its own as a destination.'

.delicious Produce Box - 2022

Our Blue Mountains Polyflora in .delicious Produce Box

'These are the premium ingredients you won’t find on supermarket shelves, from farm-fresh fruit and vegetables to prime cuts of wagyu and hard-to-procure items like Malfroy’s Gold honey.'

Tim Malfroy Warré Frame
Feather and Bone Field Trip- 2019

Field trip to Malfroys Gold Hawkesbury hives

'If you've tried Malfroys Gold wild honey - particularly the recent Post Brood variety - then you'll understand what we mean when we say that seeing the hives in the landscape and listening to Tim explain his bee keeping philosophy made perfect sense. Malfroys Gold honey is quite simply a pure and intense expression of place and practice.'

Malfroy's Gold Honey and Wildflower Brewing - 2021

Hive: Post Brood Blend #2- Tasting Notes

'Hive: Post Brood is A collaboration with our friends, and honey superstars Tim and Emma from Malfroy’s Gold honey, Hive: Post Brood is a barrel aged golden Australian Wild Ale refermented with natural formed Warré hive post-brood wild comb from the Blue Mountains and Central Tablelands of NSW. The Malfroy's Post Brood Polyflora is unlike any honey I have ever tasted and indeed a unique product.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2011

Living with Bees

'If we want to give our bees the best chance at survival now and far into the future, we need to think about the effects that our everyday actions have on the nation's primary pollinators...The next time you're outside in the garden and you pick up that spray.Please think about the bees.'

Malfroy's Gold and Julie Paterson, Artist
Wild Honey Artwork by Julie Paterson - 2018

Wild Honey Artwork

'There’s this chap I know called Tim Malfroy who is a 2nd generation bee keeper and this artwork is a portrait of some of his giant bee hives. Tim lives out west – way past our place and has his bee hives set up all over the place. He uses these crazy looking warre hives and employs an old fashioned, gentle and natural beekeeping method.'

Malfroy's Gold sustainable dinner
Green and Sustainable Dinner - 2010

Samantha Mackie Photography

Tim was invited to speak at this event which featured our honey produce on the menu

'It was a remarkable night and these were 3 remarkable farmers, true artisans at heart with the strongest commitment you can imagine to their produce, the environment and the future. Behind their passion we discovered several generations of sweat, resiliance and knowledge.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2012

A perfect addition to the Permaculture Garden

'We’re completely hooked on the idea of adding bees to our Permaculture garden after another extraordinary weekend learning all about natural beekeeping with Tim Malfroy...Lucky for us we got to taste what we unanimously agreed was the best honey we’d ever eaten, straight from the comb. It was simply amazing.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2012

The Veggie Lady

'So when I heard about the natural bee keeping course that went against traditional methods and, instead, adopted an approach more in line with the innate habits of bees themselves, I had to see it for myself. Pictures of bees being handled without masses of protective gear inspired me … natural, organic methods and not-so-cranky bees!'

Malfroy's Gold Ross and Sunny Lusted
Malfroy's Gold on the menu at 'Woodcut' - 2020

Ross and Sunny Lusted's New Restaurant featuring our Wild Honey

'Woodcut' launches in Crown, Sydney, December 2020!

Malfroy's Gold Wild Honeycomb Cheese Platter
Sunday Collector - 2010

Cheese and Malfroy's Gold Honeycomb

'The stand out on the board was the mountain of Malfroy's Gold honeycomb with roasted hazelnuts from Mudgee, NSW.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Warré Hives - 2013

Building ‘The Peoples Hive’ (Warre Hive)

'I was lucky enough to...attend a natural beekeeping course run by Tim Malfroy of Malfroy’s Gold, which was based on the Warré system. ...Tim is one of few commercial Warré hive apiarists in Australia. I found the course to be interesting and practical and without attending it I feel that I wouldn’t hold the skills or confidence to give ‘natural’ beekeeping a go.'

Malfroy's Gold Danielle Alvarez

Danielle Alvarez, 'Always Add Lemon' Launch - 2020

Malfroy's Gold included in special book launch collection (blog has since been removed)

'It’s not everyday that one of your favourite chefs and bestie publishes their first book. to celebrate such a momentous occasion, danielle and i are bringing the good times to you!

As a one off very special offer, we’ve curated a delicious collection, featuring the work of some extremely special producers whose work we delight in all year round.'
Malfroy's Gold Rootstock Festival
Rootstock Sydney - 2015

Malfroy's Gold, Rootstock Festival

'Originally conceived as a artisanal wine festival in 2013, the 2015 event has expanded to celebrate chefs, producers, food makers, coffee, beer, sake and indigenous culinary culture.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2013

Natural Beekeeping and Apiarists

'Two weeks ago I headed up to Sydney to attend a course on Natural Beekeeping run by Milkwood Permaculture and taught by Tim Malfroy of Malfroy’s Gold. ...I mean, when someone makes honey that good, you know they’re going to teach you something special, right?'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2012

Warré Hive Building, Swarms and Bait Hives

'I attended a Warré beekeeping course in Sydney run by second-generation professional apiarist Tim Malfroy. ...I had read about the Warré beekeeping method and wanted to learn more. It was worth the trip.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Catching a Swarm - 2011

Urban Warré Beekeeper

'One of my scouts ran home to tell me he’d found a swarm of bees this weekend. They were spotted flying in and out of the small hole in the concrete block that covers a Telstra access point in the footpath...The excitement I felt this time last year when my first hive was delivered is nothing to how I feel having caught this swarm myself! I hope their new home suits them and that the weather is kind and helps them get established quickly.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2013

Hand to Ground - Bees, naturally

'...two-day course in natural beekeeping with master bee-keeper (warré hive extraordinare) Tim Malfroy. It was a wonderfully inspiring and informative course...I came away with a desire not so much to “keep bees” as to learn alongside them.'

Tim Malfroy Natural Beekeeping Courses
Natural Beekeeping Course - 2011

Lewisham House - Natural Beekeeping with Tim Malfroy

'Tim taught us about “natural” beekeeping, which is much more in tune with the needs and desires of the bees. Keeping the bees in a Warre Hive, they are able to grow their own honeycomb, at their own pace.'

Malfroy's Gold Wild Honey Prize
Menu For Hope - 2007

Malfroy's Gold Products in Menu for Hope

Malfroy's Gold products were selected as prizes for Menu for Hope, a global raffle to raise money for the United Nations World Food Program.

' I was the lucky winner of three gorgeous jars of honey and a gooey honeycomb from Malfroy's Gold in Australia. This honey is made from eucalyptus and has a distinctive caramel flavor. In one word: addictive.'